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Every living organism shares a fundamental requirement: water. This vital substance forms the bulk of the cytoplasm within our cells, a medium where the threads of life—DNA and RNA—are housed. Beyond this, there is a profound unity in the way cells organize into tissues, illustrating our shared evolutionary heritage. This common origin of cells showcases numerous universal features across the spectrum of life, reminding us of our interconnected biological roots.


Contrastingly, the beauty of biology is also seen in its diversity, shaped by the forces of evolution through natural selection. This process has led to a plethora of unique traits and an astonishing variety of life forms on our planet. Biologists have dedicated years to unravelling these mechanisms, classifying the myriad groups, and striving to preserve this biodiversity for future generations. A compelling example of this diversity is seen in the cellular structure of fruit fly wings, which differs markedly from other cells, illustrating just how varied life can be even at the microscopic level.

Both unity and diversity are essential themes in biology, each playing a crucial role in understanding the complexity and elegance of life on Earth.


These topics have been chosen to illustrate the theme of Unity and Diversity:

A1.1 Water
A1.2 Nucleic acids
A2.1 Origins of cells [HL only]
A2.2 Cell structure
A2.3 Viruses [HL only]
A3.1 Diversity of organisms
A3.2 Classification and cladistics [HL only]
A4.1 Evolution and speciation
A4.2 Conservation of biodiversity

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