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Overview of the new course

In today's rapidly evolving world, biology education must transcend traditional boundaries to foster deep learning and equip students with the necessary skills to understand the complex interplay of concepts, settings, and information. This course is designed to reflect these societal shifts and enhance student comprehension through a dynamic and integrated approach.


Explore four key themes each unfolding into intriguing concepts:​


Theme A: Unity and diversity - Common ancestry has given living organisms many shared features while evolution has resulted in the rich biodiversity of life on Earth.


Theme B: Form and Function  - Discover how organisms are masterfully designed where every form has a function. These adaptations are not mere coincidences but evolutionary success stories passed down through generations, enhancing survival prospects in a competitive world.


Theme C: Interaction and Interdependence - Unravel the complexities of biological systems, where interactions and dependencies forge the integration of components. Witness how these interactions lead to the emergence of new properties at each level of biological organization, revealing the beauty of systemic harmony.


Theme D: Continuity and change - Investigate the dual forces at play in the natural world: the drive to maintain equilibrium and the necessity to adapt to change. Understand how environmental fluctuations act as catalysts for evolutionary transformations through natural selection.

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