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UNIT 1 Cells and the
Origin of Life

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Unit Outline



IB Roadmap:  A2



Unity and Diversity

Common ancestry has given living organisms many shared features while evolution has resulted in the rich biodiversity of life on Earth.



Syllabus Statements

A2.1.1     AHL Conditions on Early Earth and the pre-biotic formation of                         carbon compounds

A2.1.2     AHL Cells as the smallest units of self-sustaining life

A2.1.3     AHL Challenge of explaining the spontaneous origin of cells

A2.1.4     AHL Evidence for the origin of carbon compounds

A2.1.5     AHL Spontaneous formation of vesicles by coalescence of fatty                        acids into spherical bilayers

A2.1.6     AHL RNA as a presumed first genetic material

A2.1.7     AHL Evidence for a last universal common ancestor

A2.1.8     AHLApproaches used to estimate dates of the first living cells and                   the last universal common ancestor

A2.1.9     AHL Evidence for the evolution of the last universal common                           ancestor in the vicinity of hydrothermal vents

A2.2.1     Cells as the basic structural unit of all living organisms

A2.2.2     Microscopy skills & calculating magnification

A2.2.3     Developments in Microscopy

A2.2.4     Structures common to cells in all living organisms

A2.2.5     Prokaryote cell structures

A2.2.6     Eukaryote cell structures

A2.2.7     Processes of life in unicellular organisms

A2.2.8     Differences in eukaryotic cell structure between animals, fungi and                 plants

A2.2.9     Atypical cell structure in eukaryotes

A2.2.10   Cell types and cell structures viewed in light and electron                                 micrographs

A2.2.11   Drawing and annotation based on electron micrographs

A2.2.12   AHL Origin of eukaryotic cells by endosymbiosis

A2.2.13   AHL Cell differentiation as the process for developing specialized                   tissues in multicellular organisms

A2.2.14   AHL Evolution of multicellularity

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