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UNIT 6 Plant Science

Unit Outline



IB Roadmap:  B3, D3



Form & Function (B) 

Adaptations are forms that correspond to function. These adaptations persist from generation to generation because they increase the chances of survival.



Continuity and Change (D) 

Living things have mechanisms for maintaining equilibrium and for bringing about transformation. Environmental change is a driver of evolution by natural selection.


Syllabus Statements

B3.1.7     Adaptations for gas exchange in leaves

B3.1.8     Distribution of tissues in a leaf

B3.1.9     Transpiration as a consequence of gas exchange in a leaf

B3.1.10   Stomatal density

B3.2.7     Transport of water from roots to leaves during transpiration

B3.2.8     Adaptations of xylem vessels for transport of water

B3.2.9     Distribution of tissues in a transverse section of the stem of                             a dicotyledonous plant

B3.2.10   Distribution of tissues in a transverse section of the root of a                           dicotyledonous plant

B3.2.17   AHL Generation of root pressure in xylem vessels by active                             transport of mineral ions

B3.2.18   AHL Adaptations of phloem sieve tubes and companion cells                           for translocation of sap

D3.1.8    Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

D3.1.9    Features of an insect-pollinated flower

D3.1.10  Methods of promoting cross-pollination

D3.1.11  Self-incompatibility mechanisms to increase genetic variation                           within a species

D3.1.12  Dispersal and germination of seeds

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