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UNIT 7 Photosynthesis


Unit Outline

plant cell.jpg


IB Roadmap:  B2, B4, C1



Form & Function (B) 

Adaptations are forms that correspond to function. These adaptations persist from generation to generation because they increase the chances of survival.



Interaction and Interdependence (C)

Systems are based on interactions, interdependence and integration of components. Systems result in the emergence of new properties at each level of biological organization.


Syllabus Statements

B4.2.11     Adaptations of plant form for harvesting light.

B2.2.5       AHL Adaptations of the chloroplast for photosynthesis.

C1.3.1       Transformation of light energy to chemical energy when carbon                                    compounds are produced in photosynthesis

C1.3.2       Conversion of carbon dioxide to glucose in photosynthesis using                                 hydrogen obtained by splitting water

C1.3.3      Oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis in plants, algae and                                     cyanobacteria

C1.3.4      Separation and identification of photosynthetic pigments by                                           chromatography

C1.3.5       Absorption of specific wavelengths of light by photosynthetic                                         pigments

C1.3.6      Similarities and differences of absorption and action spectra

C1.3.7       Techniques for varying concentrations of carbon dioxide, light intensity or                     temperature experimentally to investigate the effects of limiting factors on                     the rate of photosynthesis

C1.3.8       Carbon dioxide enrichment experiments as a means of predicting future                       rates of photosynthesis and plant growth

C1.3.9       AHL Photosystems as arrays of pigment molecules that can generate and                   emit excited electrons

C1.3.10     AHL Advantages of the structured array of different types of pigment                             molecules in a photosystem

C1.3.11     AHL Generation of oxygen by the photolysis of water in photosystem II

C1.3.12     AHL ATP production by chemiosmosis in thylakoids

C1.3.13     AHL Reduction of NADP by Photosystem I

C1.3.14     AHL Thylakoids as systems for performing the light-dependent reactions

C1.3.15     AHL Carbon fixation by Rubisco

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