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UNIT 1 Life and the Origin of Cells

Essential Ideas

  • Living organisms have all of the characteristics of life.

  • The evolution of multicellular organisms allowed cell specialization and cell replacement.

  • There is an unbroken chain of life from the first cells on Earth to all cells in organisms alive today.

1. Introduction to the  Characteristics of life

This visually stunning introductory video, choreographed to powerful music, introduces you to the characteristics that all life on Earth shares.

Lesson 1 Materials

Use the presentation to complete the scaffolded notes:

  1. Characteristics of life presentation

  2. Scaffolded notes 

Paramecium is a unicellular organism widely used as an example of a functional unit of life.

The Paramecium:

  • It is surrounded by cilia that allow it to move. (Response)

  • Engulfs food via a specialized membranous feeding groove called a cytostome. (Nutrition)

  • Encloses food particles in small vacuoles with enzymes for digestion. (Metabolism)

  • Removes solid waste via an anal pore, and liquid wastes are pumped out through contractile vacuoles. (Excretion)

  • Allows essential gases to enter and exit the cell via diffusion. (Homeostasis)

  • Grows in size and divides asexually (fission) (Reproduction and growth)

1. Introduction to the characteristics of life


2. What does it mean to be alive?

Paramecium is a unicellular organism widely used as an example of a functional unit of life.

The Paramecium:

  • Is surrounded by cilia that allows it to move. (Response)

  • Engulfs food via a specialized membranous feeding groove called a cytostome. (Nutrition)

  • Encloses food particles in small vacuoles with enzymes for digestion. (Metabolism)

  • Removes solid waste via an anal pore and liquid wastes are pumped out through contractile vacuoles. (Excretion)

  • Allows essential gases to enter and exit the cell via diffusion. (Homeostasis)

  • Grows in size and divides asexually (fission) (Reproduction and growth)

So is a virus alive?

Watch this video - What is life? Are viruses alive?

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